Free Lunch · Minecraft! · Pokemon

Free Lunch #67

Hello there you inklings of thought. Today is Tuesday which means it’s time for another Free Lunch! If you don’t know what Free Lunch is, I just type for five minutes about whatever I want to talk about. It’s allegedly posted twice a week, but that hasn’t really been happening for the last few months.

Starting at 2:05.

As I think I’ve said a lot of times before, there’s no real reason for me not posting for these long stretches of time. I just don’t do it. I suppose I would just rather do something else a lot of the time.

On the Piano, I’m learning Gymnopédie No. 1 by Eric Satie, which has influenced me for a long time. I’m not quite sure where I first heard it, but I’m pretty sure this song has been around me for a while. I never really realized until recently but one of the reasons it probably feels so close to me is because of how much it touched the Minecraft music. Some of my favorite songs on Volume Alpha seem heavily influenced by this one ambient piano piece. One of the songs I’ve been working on composing for a while has been mistaken for a Minecraft song by a lot of my friends because of how it’s similar in form. I think that Gymnopédie No. 1 has been indirectly inspiring me through the form of a video game that I started playing around 2013.

In slightly more embarrassing news that also has to do with Minecraft, I was playing on a Pokémon server the other day when the Youtuber PopularMMOs was on and got a shout-out to like 15 million subscribers. Here’s a link that starts around when he said my name.

The high E string of my guitar snapped and I haven’t been able to get it fixed yet, so there hasn’t been much progress made on my Smiles and Tears/Home arrangement.

I’ve gone way over the time limit that I normally set for myself, but I’m going to stop writing now.

Thanks for reading all the way down to the very bottom of this post, I’ll see you in the next one!
